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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

G-Tube Surgery

Ever since we found out about Kaitlyn’s diagnosis, she has had difficulty swallowing, a common problem with neurological disorders, like Niemann-Pick. We have been using a gel thickener called Simply Thick to thicken her formula so that she can safely swallow it without breathing it in or choking on it. In the past few months, she has been coughing more when she drinks her bottles and a barium swallow study showed that she is starting to aspirate when she swallows. The risk with aspirating is that she could develop pneumonia and end up very sick in the hospital. Her GI doctor and pediatric surgeon have both recommended that she have a G-tube surgically placed in her abdomen. This is how she would receive her formula and medicine; through the G-tube rather than by mouth. 

There are definitely risks with the surgery that make us obviously nervous. They are going to try and do the surgery laparoscopically but they may end up having to cut an incision in her abdomen if they have a hard time getting past her liver and spleen, which are both severely enlarged. Her recovery time with laparoscopic surgery could be a short as 3-5 days or with the incision more like 5-7 days, assuming there aren’t any other complications. 

Kaitlyn with her little brother, Cole

We plan on having a transition period where we slowly wean her off the bottles, so long as it is safe to do so, so that it is easier on Kaitlyn, psychologically. She is doing okay with baby foods however and her GI doctor felt that we could continue giving it to her as long as we aren’t seeing any coughing or choking.  Needless to say, the surgery will cause a complete lifestyle change for Kaitlyn and for us. 

We are very nervous about Kaitlyn’s recovery from surgery and how it will affect her spirit. Thoughts and prayers are definitely needed. Her surgery is scheduled for Monday, January 31st at 10am at Levine Children’s Hospital. We will keep everyone posted when we can.


  1. Deanna,
    Thank you so much for the update on Kaitlyn. I just love her smile in the picture. I have a friend whose 3 year old daughter has been on a G-Tube since birth. I am sure if you had any questions about it Kelli would be happy to answer. Just let me know if you would like their information.

    Thinking and praying for you all!

  2. Deanna,
    I will be praying for your sweet little girl. I know we have not spoken yet, but I look forward to meeting you all this weekend and capturing some great images of sweet Kaitlyn and Cole :)

  3. Deanna, my heart goes out to you and your sweet family. We are all thinking of you and want to do whatever we can to help. Please don't hesitate to contact us, for anything.
