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Friday, September 23, 2011

Hanging in there!

Kaitlyn is hanging in there. She definitely isn't feeling too great but she hasn't gotten any worse- yay! Her white count was a little low and her platelets were in the 70s. Not too bad for having a virus. Normal for her is about 120 or so. The doctors don't really start considering a transfusion unless it dips to the 20s-40s so she is good for now.


It seems like every day is different with her and how she feels- a true roller coaster ride. Yesterday she had 5 seizure-like episodes in the morning and we ended up having to give her diazepam. Once she had it though, she didn't have any more episodes! Diazepam is a medicine that is usally used as a "rescue" drug. If she were to have a seizure that doesn't stop, diazepam would be given to help stop it. It's not something that is supposed to be used every day but used as needed instead. We are using it when her episodes get aggravated. I learned that viruses can also aggravate seizure-like activity so that could be a reason why too. 

Watching her fishies

Either way, we are glad she hasn't had a rapid decline in her health, considering her body's weakened immune system with the disease. We are really optimistic that she will be able to get rid of this virus on her own. Her oxygen saturations have dropped just a tad but nothing too significant. She is still on oxygen 24 hrs a day.

Like brother, like sister

Hopefully this weekend will provide her some good family time to get lots of love and rest.


Cole is feeling better and I'm doing well too. Now we just have to knock this bug out of Kaitlyn!

Feeling better!
On another note- Kaitlyn and I have been having "talks" about important things in life. I do these every once in awhile to teach her about life. I talk with her and draw a picture as we go along in our talk to describe/show her what I mean. Even though Kaitlyn can't talk, I feel that it is so important, as her mother, to teach her the things that I have learned in life. She deserves to know about the important things, even if she may not directly be able to show that she understands. Here is a recent one we did when I talked to her about our hearts and what our hearts are made of.

Our Hearts by Mommy and Kaitlyn

I told her that our hearts are made up of many layers. The core of our hearts belong to God and Jesus. That they live within us and we are here for a purpose- to share God's love with others. The second layer of our hearts belong to our family. We are to love and be there for each other no matter what happens in life and that we will love each other always. Being a family is so important. The third layer of our hearts belong to our friends, neighbors, etc. We are always to be kind to one another and to remember that God loves everyone and everything and so should we.   

1 comment:

  1. you're an amazing mom, Deanna. I love that you are teaching her that.
