Hope everyone had a great Halloween!
Kaitlyn continues to have seizures multiple times a day and is on oxygen 24 hrs. She is also on antibiotics for a urinary tract infection that we suspected over the weekend. She is still less interactive than she used to be and seems to be getting more and more "out of it" as the disease progresses. She still hasn't laughed in a month and a half and smiles are scarce. She seems to be fairly comfortable though and happy from what we can tell so that is all that matters!
For Halloween, Kaitlyn was a princess (of course!) and Cole was her dragon protector.

We also celebrated Chip's birthday on Sunday. Happy Birthday!
There was also a lot of heartache over the weekend too. We learned of the passing of two children with Niemann Pick Disease. Mia Walts, Type A, 2 1/2 years old and Gavin Lopez, Type C, 7 1/2 years old.
Our hearts and prayers go out to the Walts and Lopez families. We have gotten to know both of these families over the past year and it hits really close to home as to how quickly things can change. Please pray for healing during this extremely difficult time for these families.You can also learn about Gavin and how he passed away on his mother's blog.
She mentioned the following quote, "to live in the hearts of those you leave behind is to never die".
Sweet siblings |
Kaitlyn continues to have seizures multiple times a day and is on oxygen 24 hrs. She is also on antibiotics for a urinary tract infection that we suspected over the weekend. She is still less interactive than she used to be and seems to be getting more and more "out of it" as the disease progresses. She still hasn't laughed in a month and a half and smiles are scarce. She seems to be fairly comfortable though and happy from what we can tell so that is all that matters!
For Halloween, Kaitlyn was a princess (of course!) and Cole was her dragon protector.
We also celebrated Chip's birthday on Sunday. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Daddy!!! |
There was also a lot of heartache over the weekend too. We learned of the passing of two children with Niemann Pick Disease. Mia Walts, Type A, 2 1/2 years old and Gavin Lopez, Type C, 7 1/2 years old.
Our hearts and prayers go out to the Walts and Lopez families. We have gotten to know both of these families over the past year and it hits really close to home as to how quickly things can change. Please pray for healing during this extremely difficult time for these families.You can also learn about Gavin and how he passed away on his mother's blog.
She mentioned the following quote, "to live in the hearts of those you leave behind is to never die".
I continue to pray for your family and Kaitlyn everyday. I pray that she is a comfortable. Thank you for the update.